Important: Before you start configuring workflows, learn how to configure statuses.

Workflow is a collection of statuses that tasks move through stages during their lifecycle. Unless a status is part of a workflow, users won't see it when they want to move a task to that particular status. In a freshrelease project, users can create multiple workflows, one for each and have one assigned to every task type.

What is a typical workflow for teams?

In Freshrelase, you get the option to create and manage stages to suit your custom workflow. There is a default workflow that is available:

  1. Simple workflow – Basic workflow consists of three standard stages to work completion i.e. Open, In-progress and Done. 

However, you can always create a custom workflow to improve your work process effortlessly. 

Create custom workflows

1. Go to project settings on the list of modules listed on the left side and select workflow under "task". You will have a default simple workflow which you can edit and use based on your team needs after adding a custom status. 

2. In the next window, you can view/manage all your existing workflows. Go ahead click on add step, you will automatically see the custom status you had added previously through configuring custom status here. 

Note : Some times there might be scenarios where you want a task to go back to the previous state (eg: In review -> In progress). For these cases, you can setup a reverse status transition like, In review -> In progress as well. 

3. Furthermore, you can add new workflows which could suit your work process better or add workflows from existing projects. 

To add a new workflow 

Step 1: Click on "+ workflow" option on the right hand side corner 

Step 2:  Add a name, description and transition rules to your workflow. 

To add a workflow from an existing project

Step 1 :  Choose the option of "Add from existing projects" in the right hand side corner. 

Step 2: Choose the workflow that you want to populate from your previous project and select add. You can start working on it immediately as it would get populated automatically.

What are status transitions?

The movement of a task from one status to another status is called a status transition. The number of statuses a task can move to, from a particular status is called possible status transitions.

What are workflow transition rules? how to set them up in Freshrelase?

You can take control over how your tasks behave as they are progressing through the workflow by customizing transitions. These are workflow transition rules.

Here are the quick steps for you to set them up in Freshrelease for an existing or a new workflow that you are adding

STEP 1:  Start by clicking on the edit workflow option given to you 


STEP 2: Click on the lightning bolt icon which represent the transition rules to be set

Step 3 : Add all the necessary information here as to:

a) Who can execute the transition, the options here would be Anyone by default. If not it could be the code reviewers or product owners, or you can add customised users as well. 

 b) Select the conditions that needs to be checked before a transition

c) You can also add the actions to be performed after a transition happens 

d) When you click Add new action you can choose from the available post functions, and set any necessary parameters. These include 

1. Update property 

2. Email users in a group

3. Trigger webhook

4. Create subtask

5. Add tags


1. Use a post function to update property

When a task moves from open to in progress, you can use the option of "set assignee as, set priority as" or add any other custom filed, it would automatically get updated post the transition. 

2. Use a post function to email users in a group

Email users in a group as an action using placeholders of a particular components like fields, priority, assignee etc in the subject and the body of the email. 

3. Use trigger web hooks 

Share information easily using trigger web hooks. For example, Freshrelease wants to update something on slack using API, you can use this option.

4. Create subtasks

When a task moves from status to another for instance, open to in progress and you want three action items based on that, you can use the option of creating subtasks for the same and assign it to your team members. 

5. Add tags

When a task moves from one stage to another, add tags to it to sort them easily. This is mainly used for reporting purposed. 

Next: Learn how to setup your kanban board