Tasks in freshrelease can be of various types. They can be epics, user stories, tasks, feature requests, bug fixes etc. This helps teams to easily identify tasks and prioritise them. You can also create your own custom task types.

1. If you are a project or account admin, go to Project Settings > Types 

2. You can edit use the existing types given such as epic, bug, task and a user story. Or create a new one by clicking on the "+Type" on the right side

3. Fill out the details for the new customised type that you want created. Every task type also has a corresponding workflow and form. You can customise workflows for every type of task in Freshrelease. 

For example,

1. A task can have a simple workflow like Open -> In Progress -> Done

2. A bug could have an elaborate workflow like, Open -> In Progress -> In Review -> In Testing -> Done

Every type can also have its own form. This allows teams to control what fields(properties) are needed for each task type.

For example,

1. A bug could have fields like "Environment to reproduce", "Number of affected users", etc.

2. An epic could have fields like "Value to customers"

Learn more:

1) How to create a task dependency?

2) How to configure statuses?