Freshrelease integrates with source control tools like Gitlab and Github to show all code changes made for an item within Freshrelease itself. This also allows teams to automate status updates of items based on various events in source control tools. Check out how to configure workflow autopilot.

This allows teams to know what code changes were made, are the changes approved and take the next best action on the user story, bug fix, etc.

How to integrate Freshrelease with Gitlab?


1. You need to be the account admin of your Freshrelease

2. You need to be the owner of your Gitlab account

Steps to install

1. Click on your profile picture > Account Settings > Integrations > click on Gitlab

3. Click on "Add new Github account"

4. Authorize Freshrelease and also request access to any organization accounts you might want to integrate (the owner of the organization has to approve this request)

5. Start listening to the repositories within the account that you want to sync with Freshrelease

How to make the commits show up on item details?

Every time someone makes code or submits a pull request, developers just have to mention the item key in the commit message and pull request message.

While committing code,

While creating a merge request,