Time tracking helps project members track the time they spend on tasks. This helps you get an idea about how much time is being spent on a particular task. Project admins can also export the time entries as a .csv for any additional reporting.

How to add time to an item?

1. Open any of the tasks in your backlog  > Scroll down to time entries section in the window that pops open

2. Click on "+new" to add a new time entry

3. On the time entry form, you can specify information such as how much time was spent, is it billable, additional notes to describe the time spent. Click "Add time" once you have filled this information.

4. The new time entry will be listed on the item along with its billable information. The overall time spent value is also updated based on the new time entry.

Seeing time spent information on the items list view

Project members can also see the time spent on items right in the list view without having to go inside an item. In the column customization feature, two new fields called "Time spent" and "Billable time spent".

To add this customization feature 

A. Go to tasks module > choose list view to see all your tasks lined up

B. Click on the settings icon for the column

C. You can choose these 2 fields and update the column configurations, this would be “time spent” and “billable time spent”

D. Once you do this, time spent information will be shown in the items list view like this

How to export time entries from a project?

Project admins can export time entries from a project as a .csv file for reporting. To do this,

1. Go to project settings > General

2. An option called "Export time entries" will be present under the time entries feature toggle.

3. While exporting, project admins can specify the date range from which they want to export time tries. In addition to this, time entries for a specific user can also be filtered and exported.

How to export time entries from across different projects?

Account admins can export time tries from across projects from account settings. To do this,

1. Click on your profile picture on the top-right hand corner > click Account Settings and go to Projects

2. An option called "Export time entries" will be present at the top.

3. Admins can specify a date range, choose projects and users to filter and export time entries.

Note: Time tracking is available on the PRO plan of Freshrelease.