The Freshdesk integration helps companies deliver moments of WOW to their customers by bringing support and development teams closer and resolving issues faster.

Benefits of integrating Freshrelease with Freshdesk

  1. Support agents can easily create issues reported by customers as bugs, feature requests, etc in Freshrelease
  2. Agents get visibility into associated bug or feature request's status, owner and release date right within the ticket. No more hopping between your issue tracker and Freshdesk.
  3. Developers can see the entire conversation between support agents and customers right within Freshrelease work items.
  4. Agents are notified via private notes whenever status of associated work item is updated in Freshrelease.

How to install the marketplace app?

1. Login to your Freshdesk account

2. Go to Admin > Apps

3. Click on "Get more app" > Search for Freshrelease > Install the app

4. Enter the following details on the configuration page

5. Click on "Authenticate" (if you don't see this button, just scroll to the bottom a bit)

6. On the next screen, choose the Freshrelease projects your agents need access to create new items.

7. Click on "Install"

8. You are now done!

How does this work?

Once the app is installed from marketplace. Freshrelease app will be available from ticket details page. When a customer reports a bug, the agent can easily choose a project and report a bug, for example.

1. Report a bug to freshrelease

2. Creates a bug and links it to the ticket. Agents can see important details of the associated bug.

3. Once linked, users on freshrelease can see what tickets are linked to an item. Developers can see important details of the associated ticket.

4. Freshrelease users can also see the entire conversation between the agent and customer to get the whole context of the ticket. Developers no need a Freshdesk access to get this context.

5. Status updates on freshrelease items are added as private notes on the associated tickets.

Some frequently asked questions

1. Can a ticket be linked to more than one freshrelease item?

No, we don't currently support this.

2. Can multiple tickets be linked to one freshrelease item?

Yes, there can be multiple tickets mapped to one freshrelease item.

3. Can multiple freshdesk accounts be mapped to one freshrelease account?

No, we don't currently support this.

4. Does the status of freshrelease item sync with freshdesk ticket and vice versa?

No, we don't currently support this. But status updates on freshrelease items are added as private notes on associated tickets.

5. Do notes and comments on both products sync?

No, we don't currently support this.