Presentation is everything when it comes to data. Customise a report's look and feel to suit your purposes - you can style reports as well as individual pages in a report. You can also add text to the report for effects and explanation.

Customise a widget

You can customise a widget from the report page by hovering over the widget and clicking on the palette icon. Here's everything you can customise:

  • Opacity of the widget. The extreme right is 100% opacity and the extreme left makes the widget transparent. 
  • Background color for the widget. You can choose the color or enter the hexcode/RGB value.
  • Border color - choose the color or enter the hexcode/RGB value
  • Border position. You can choose which side you want the border on. You can also the radius (how curved should the edges be?) and the thickness of the border.
  • Widget title. You can change the color of the widget title and the title itself. The name of the title is what we'll store when we save the widget so please give it an easily searchable name. You can choose whether to display the title or not.
  • If you want the widget style to be the same as the page's, use the 'Reset to report styling' button to change the widget's style to the page's style.

Customise a page in a report

You can customise the style of individual pages in a report. Currently, you cannot apply a page's style to all the pages in a report. Here's everything you can customise:

  • Background color of the layout. You can choose a color or enter the hexcode/RGB value.
  • Opacity. The extreme right is 100% opacity and the extreme left makes all the widgets transparent and invisible.
  • Widget background color. You can choose a color for all the widgets or enter the hexcode/RGB value.
  • Widget border. You can choose border color, position (which sides you want the border on), the radius (how curved should it be?) and the thickness of the border.
  • You can choose whether to display widget titles or not. You can also change the color of the title.  

Customise a report's layout

You can customise a report's layout using the gear icon on the report page. Here's everything you can work with:

  • Canvas size. Different canvas sizes work differently on different screens. Your options are: 21:9, 16:9, 4:3, 3:2, 1:1
  • Display mode. Choose between portrait and landscape mode for your reports.
  • Grid setting. The grid exists to help you easily resize widgets and position them. If you'd prefer to not use the grid, you can choose 'Never'. If you want to see the grid only when you're moving widgets around, choose 'Show grid only on snap'.

You can stack widgets on a report page. When you stack multiple widgets, you can change their relative positions by clicking on the hamburger icon (the three dots) and choosing whether the particular widget should be at the top of the stack or top minus one or at the bottom of the stack.

Customise a chart within a report

Besides changing the style of the report page or a widget, you can also customise a chart. We've added customisation capabilities based on chart type, number of metrics and group by options.

Overall, you can:

  • Change the color of chart elements
  • Change the color of the text on the chart
  • Specify conditions for color customisation

Conditional formatting

Using conditional formatting, you can specify what kind of colors you'd like used in the chart when.

The two options available are metric and group-by-based formatting. For example, if you want to use a consistent color code to refer to low, medium, and high priority tickets, you can.


You can also specify conditions based on numbers or percentages like so. Users can use functions like equal to, greater than, lesser than, greater than or equal to, lesser than or equal to, not equal to or none of these things, to specify what colors should be used when.

In a table, you can choose colors and formatting for each column in a table. Once you choose the column, you can choose whether to change the text, the background or the text and the background along with associated conditions.

If there's more than one metric or a group by option, you choose the metric/group by first and then specify the conditional formatting.

Color Customisation TypeCharts
Bar, Horizontal Bar, Text    

You can choose a color for the chart, lines, or text as is applicable. In case of text, you can choose a color for the number and metric heading.

Unicolor: Tables    
Table, Summary table, Matrix    

Users can pick colors for the header background, header text, cell background, cell text, and lines.

Grouped bar, Stacked Bar, Horizontal Grouped Bar, Horizontal Stacked Bar, Pie, Donut, Line, Area, Scatter Plot    

Users can create a color palette that works for them. There's no restriction on the number of colors in a palette. The order of the colors in the palette depends on the order of your group by values.

Sequential palette    

Users can choose a color and we'll populate a sequential palette for them (dark to light)

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